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Soliloquies | Journal of Benji Marcoux

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Date – Unsure

I’m not entirely sure how I’ve made it this far.. Once banded together by a core group of 8, only to be the last one standing. Some died from the clutches of the infected, some murdered from the anger of humans. Some parted their own ways, and some were kidnapped with no trace.. The only thing I’ve been driven on is finding those who have a chance of being alive. Is having a bit of hope mere suicide?

I picked this journal up while I was scavenging cars on the highway with just a few pages written down in it. Looks like a girl’s handwriting.. Since she wasn’t in the car, maybe there’s a chance she’s alive? Or maybe she got eaten.. or became one of those~ I don’t know. This world today is filled with more uncertainties in a day than one would gather in a life time. Everything is broken.

I’m no hero. Hell.. I was about to graduate with my masters degree in education. I stayed inside and played music and video games most of the day at the apartment. Its been so long since then, and I mean.. I was able to pick up how to use a bow and arrow fairly well but.. had to give my quiver and bow up by force to save a friend. I’m hoping to find one again soon, because I don’t know how I’m going to make any clean kills with this bat. Its no gun, but its something.

Made it to some run down city, and there are people here; but that doesn’t mean shit. I’ve met many “people” in the past year who were farther away from humanity than a monster without the infection. We’ll see how it goes.. I can’t afford to just keep walking without supplies and food. Maybe some direction too.