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This one time…

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I’m kind of digging working at the Pub. Get to meet all kinds of people. Not quite sure how I feel about the manager yet, however the rest remains to be seen. I haven’t seen the shirtless guy in quite awhile, I hardly know him but I worry. Tough times around here and it seems most people are lacking common courtesy, dare I even say it empathy for others.  It’s not even give and take anymore, it’s take take and more take. I sense something brewing, not sure what it is but something… is going to happen.

A man came into the bar today. He had a different air about him. Marcus was grumpy and it made for an all around possibly fucked up day. So I spoke to Ripley a bit more and things were good, until he brought out that picture. It stopped my heart. Looked just like my twin sister. It hurt, the memories came flooding back. Felt like I had been awake for days, I couldn’t breathe. I stumbled. Felt like I was free falling right to earth, couldn’t be stopped about to crash and die… and then I heard Marcus come in and it snapped be back to reality. I’ll never get over her death… I’ll never get over this fucking town not taking her disappearance seriously before the outbreaqk…I’ll never forget me rushing over to her when she walked in the door only for her to attack me…Fuck… Yes more self medication is needed… endless supply of it… it will either make me forget everything if even for awhile or kill me..

At this point, either way right now sounds like a win win for me..


Just another day in the neighborhood

