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Family are we?

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[[All entries are assumed to be written in Russian. For the sake of this Journal the entries are translated into English so the players can follow the story as it progresses.]]

March 4…

There are four of us…

I didn’t wait until daybreak to get out and working. There were a few things that I needed to think over. I don’t like being unemployed. The pack mule games are becoming annoying. I more than pull my weight yes, but having these women provide for me is killing me inside. This isn’t something I can get used to.. not like those boys that think that they’re something special because they prey on weak women to do for them what they can’t do for themselves. I am not one of those creatures. I headed back down to the pier, and managed to secure the job with the Trading Co. Long story short, she’s giving me a task to find some things, and bring them to her. I’ll have to do that, I’m pretty sure the supplies are still in the ship, but I’ll have to make a trek there to find out. Two days there, two days back. Its a simple enough job.

On the same token, Jade, Danya and Angel all managed to track me down at the pier, but Danya had her own business there. I’m pretty sure Jade was high, and Angel.. well she was sick. Didn’t take long to conclude business and head over to the hospital to check on Angel. I don’t know why I’m watching over her like I am. I do know that she’s trying to hard to prove something.. and in doing so she’s lying to me. Maybe its because I’ve only known her for a few days, but I probably should care. Just watching her is telling me enough about her that I can form my own opinion. Its one thing not to tell me something at a particular moment, but plan to tell me later… and another thing to lie to me to my face when I can clearly see something is wrong. My wife did that to me.. all the way up to the point she died.. she hid the fact that she was terminal. Even had everyone around me promise not to say anything. No.. I’m not dealing with that again. The world has really turned into this Dog eat dog, world.. Everyone is scrounging about trying to get one thing or the other from the next, trying to survive… the last thing I need is to surround myself with people I can’t trust.

Well, I wasn’t going to stand there and listen to her tell me not to worry about it any more. I wasn’t going to let Jade answer, as she knew something and didn’t speak up. No. I needed to get to work anyway. I only made it back tot he trailer when Danya walked in. She knew what was happening, where I was going. I had half a mind to take her with me, but I knew what she would do as well. Before I could do anything, Angel comes through the door, scared out of her mind, face bruised and bleeding. When I asked her what happened, what did she do? She lied to my face… again. Needless to say, she was starting to look more and more like a child. Whatever desire that I held for her, seemed to all but leave at that point. Whats worse.. She had the audacity to tell me she loved me? What did she expect to happen? What did she expect to hear? She cannot love me if she doesn’t trust me. She can’t trust me if she doesn’t respect me. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Before I could deal with -that- issue, here comes Jade, storming in after her, and of course, she beats the girl nearly to death on my floor. Any other time, I would have just let this happen, but Jade was also starting to bother me. I dealt with them both.

Jade is in the cage, chained up like the animal she’s pretending to be. Angel is in the room, wrapped up in my sheets. They will not tear apart what I’ve built.. and this animosity between them is going to fucking cease one way or another. I’m sick of this shit.