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Love Puppies!

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So I’ve managed to find a new scrap of paper for the continuation of my very scattered Journal, I actually think it might look more like a scrap book than anything.

Well, heres the thing. I’ve always wanted to find someone, and have a relationship, he would be faithful to me and not be one of those other guys who just want to screw around. Sure it was pretty hard to find one of these guys before the Outbreak. But now after it? Oh god its pretty impossible…..I mean….most want their own harem, and like to act like heathens, justifying it by saying civilization is dead so why be civil and abide by humane morals…..yeah because its our morals that make us human and separate us from the dead. duuuuuh. And I never thought what happened next would ever happen at all.

I was in the woods when none other than Sara would show up, she was lucky I didnt blast her head off, I was hunting! But we started to have a conversation about just this. She had been having man troubles too, could never find the right guy. When the topic of dating a person of the same sex came up. Well in truth, I had never thought of it before, but it really did make sense, especially in this crazy world, it was really the fact of being gay or lesbian, there was just so little people left in the world, you couldnt subject to gender really. It was all very interesting and it did really make me think.

It was only two days later that Sara accidentally revealed to me that she had secretly been flirting with me. Of course I didnt notice, Im not exactly that sexual. But…….After a while I mean…Why not right? We both got on really well, we had the same outlook on relationships….we both had dogs, it seemed things just felt….like they were meant to be I guess. So we decided to see how things went.

And I can tell you now.

Its great 😀 😀 😀

I have a Sister…..a best friend…..and a partner in life and death. Who cares if we are both girls? Shes mine now, and I will keep her with me, safe, forever.


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