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First Day as Chief of Medicine at Arklay Emergency Services

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Today was no ordinary day. I was elected to take on the responsibility of the AES Department as a whole. I foresee so many wonderful things! the rigors of shuffling through files and paperwork. It is all so very satisfying. Being able to focus and fully apply myself knowing so many are relying on me to really step it up! I saw Sweetie in passing and hope to catch up with his this weekend! It gave me a bit of extra motivation needless to say.

On another note.. I encountered an unsavory character last night as I was getting off my shift. She was with the Howlers and propositioned me for protection. The mannerisms and behavior overall displayed a lack of consideration for my personal space and upon refusal, I was met with trepidation. It was distasteful. My first encounter seems to have sparked what could potentially be an unspoken war between the Dogs of Hell and the Howlers. I will not even submit any details of our workings here, in case my journal should be confiscated. All I can say.. is they are in for a rude awakening.

On that note.. I should go. I need to rest and watch my back as I believe there has been a target placed on both my back and my bro’s back Vandal. I have warned him of my encounter, and will keep record of the goings on. Note to self.. stay safe!