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The Warehouse Journey (W/ Pics)

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Dear Diary, What an adventure today.

Today, news spread of a warehouse that had not been explored. And of course, me being me, I was on the first trip I could get on! As I climbed into the van, I noticed it was just me and the young fellow driving. I didn’t mind, honestly. Two is a good team. That was, until, we got to the warehouse, and the boy looked around. He must have gotten scared, because he said to me he was staying with the van. I was a bit disappointed, but at the time I was thinking, ‘I’ve come all this way- and I’m not staying in the van’. So that’s exactly what I did. I cracked open the van door and headed out, down the dirt path towards the stairs.

The first thing I noticed was a few Infected wandering about, but they seemed disorganized. I waited for a few moments for the right opportunity to slip past the two.

As I rounded the corner, I saw a truck backed into place to be unloaded. Though I tried, I could not get the doors on the trucks to budge, but I got the door to the warehouse open with some work on the lock. At this point, I had decided my gun was not the weapon of choice in the tight space. I carried my bat in, and walked inside. The first sight I was met with was so sad. It looked like someone had been living there. Piles of clothes, boxes of food opened and cans laying around. Where could these people have gone?

But then I looked over…

And I saw some rustling by the boxes near the lift. I set my bat down, pulling my hair down to put it up in a bun. I needed it up just in case I was about to be met by some crouched, dirty squater who had hidden in here and may attack me. I took a step forward, and that was when they stood in the distance… Another group of infected…

It was a very sad sight. A family, what looked to be a father and mother with their babygirl…

As they came towards me, the man lumbered first with, what I only assumed was, the remnants of his wife. But the part that tugged my heart, dear diary, was that even in death, the little girl lumbered close behind her mother.

Even though they still moved, somehow, like a family… I had been spotted. And I needed to dispatch them…

After I had finished, I explored a bit. I found a lot of food, and some soda. At one point, I sat down and drank some beer that I had found, braided my hair the way I like it again, but I knew I had to move along.

As I walked out of the warehouse, I examined my bat. The skull of the child had dislodged some of the barbed wire from the end, and now it was hanging off. I didn’t want it to snag my clothes, or my skin in the worst case. So I left it leaned up against the steps. Looking to my right, I saw some open containers. The explorer in me needed to see the depths of them. As I walked down the steps, I took my gun from its holster, making sure it was loaded as my boots crunched against the dirt.

I came up by a dark ally, but my eyes were set on the crates. I didn’t see the three infected, until they were nearly on top of me. One let out a screech to alarm me, and I turned. Without thinking, I fired at them. Two shots for the man to drop, one for the woman, and one for the undead police officer.

I was so startled, and I heard more shuffling from the ally. Without even sticking around to see what was back there, I turned and ran back to the steps. Swiping up my bat, I booked it for the van, leaping into the open door. This is where I may have scared the poor driver even more, diary. Because after I slammed the door shut, like some sort of action movie, I screamed, “GO, GO, GO!”

I know what you’re thinking, diary. Who do I think I am? Vin Diesel? But that poor boy peeled away like we were in a shoot out. Then we came home, and now I’m writing this. But anyways, that was my exciting day!
