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Adventures of Prim #2

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Dear mom,

Sorry I didn’t write to you yesterday, but things  got a little crazy after that turkey ninja out of sight. I had wandered in the amusement  park trying to find anything fun or usual and lure a few zombz to loot them of anything they may have from there living life. Well I got a black eye, zombz and a very handsome man for my effort. Prince Charming, though  I don’t  think he likes that nick name, but he thought he was coming to my rescue  and there where horses near by, it was fitting.

I followed him, he had this air about him that he knew what he was doing and he dismissed me so easily. If only he knew. I would have been fine, I always  am when I switch. His accent is also hot. He is from Brazil.

We spent the night at a old diner and then went out to find food and supplies. Where he met the same dang turkey, Flash, and sped away from him too! It was hilarious!

I am pretty sure he had no idea how to handle me,but  mom, I think I have been adopted like a stray animal. I think I want to make him smile or live a little like I do. He is just to serious.

I am sitting in the hospital now getting ready to head back out again. I was feeling ill and hurt my ankle  trying to catch a smelly Billy goat. Barf. But my super Hero, Chris..that’s his name, the short version anyways, Chris lead me here I think  he has spider senses but he read me well even if I was hiding how I was feeling. Luckily  I was just  looking like a drowned rat in the rain, cold and wet with a empty stomach, the food last night had not done enough. A nursed named Levy helped us out with food and water and gave me a few things for my ankle before she left–

Oh my, he is looking at me now, I think that that is my que he wants to leave. Later mama.