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I don’t see WHY this shit has to happen to ME! Normally I don’t get caught off guard.. but apparently fate had other plans for me. I almost met my fate today! I was scavenging and while my back was turned, a GODDAMN raider grabs me from behind and tries to kill me! Bugger and I had a solid go at it for about 10 minutes. He managed to stick his dirty ass knife into my right eye.. and let me tell you.. THAT SHIT HURT!

I am mourning over the loss of my vision. I worry about how I will look.. I managed to find a few scraps of material and piece something of a patch together after disinfecting it. Abel jokes and tries to lighten the mood by claiming he tried to ‘skull fuck me’ but I wasn’t in much of a joking mood after this transpired.

I am a bit laid up.. but know there is plenty still to be done. I am tripping around attempting to not allow the loss of depth perception get to me. However so far I have punched a few walls and nearly broke my hand as a result. Obviously this is one of those..”You should see the other guy moments.. but you catch my drift. The jackass is dead..”