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It’s Been a While – 9/28/2017

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I haven’t written in a while, I’ve been just kind of exploring the area, I went back toward the ruins of what used to be a house on the outskirts of the city. I heard rustling in the bushes as I pulled out a short metal pipe I had found, ready to beat a Flesh Eaters face in. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t a rotting meat sack.

Out from the bush pops a rather healthy looking female turkey, It gobbled and strutted about as I instructed Silver to sit and wait, so he wouldn’t scare it away. As I made my way slowly toward the clucking fowl I realized that it was followed by a slow, half rotted, missing a leg flesh eater. I knew I had to act quick or it would get startled again and run off, I didn’t plan on leaving the city or the ruins near by and risking getting hurt, lost or worse.

I got closer and closer, I pulled my arm back and aimed for the bird. Right as I swung I felt a cold hand grasp my ankle and I fell forward as it pulled me, ultimately scaring the only fresh meat in the area away. I thudded heavily to the ground, that was the only consumable meat in the area I’ve seen in a long time, so, I was pretty angry.

Looking down as a rotting hand was clutching to my ankle, missing a bottom jaw and a bottom half, at that. I simple growled in displeasure as I bury the short metal pipe deep with in its rotting skull, watching brain slush and blood spill everywhere.

When this whole outbreak started the smell of this kind of thing would send me off puking somewhere but I was so used to it now I simply twitched my nose and shrugged it off, looking up I saw the other rotter that had been chasing the fowl going in another direction, assumingly after the turkey still. As I pried the hand from my ankle I examined it to make sure it hadn’t scratch me and I was OK, I was fine, frustrated but fine a little dirt, nothing more. Standing up I placed a heavy boot on the creatures head, hand grabbing the pipe tightly and yanking it free as I made my way back to Silver.

I pet his head as he gave me a somewhat confused, worried expression. I reassured him I was fine but the meat got away, with a whimper her simply turned away and began walking back toward the city as I followed him, Looks like another night of canned Ravioli and water for us, I’m not complaining but some fresh grilled meat did sound pretty good.

Silver has never had anything other than the cans of things I’ve shared with him, before I found him as a puppy he ate that too but I imagine some meat would be nice, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t eat something canned or so processed it could survive through this disaster. I hope to find some eatable meat soon, I might start teaching myself and Silver to hunt so we can have some real food..

..It’s been a while.