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The Fairground

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grass stains cover her pants as she slides down the side of the hill into a world that once was. Standing there taking in what had happened. The repugnant odor of rotting flesh seeps into her nose, turning to see what is is she spots the corpses laying on the ground to her left,  her body shudders as she continues on through the park ground. Spotting a red, out of shape ketchup bottle in her path,  she gives it a swift kick, the park ground filled with litter, popcorn carts that have fallen apart, cafe tables flipped over, an armless prize teddy sits with its stuffing coming out its seams. She wanders past the dodgem car arena with its carts tipped on there side, she hears a creaking sound that stops her in her tracks, she turns suddenly holding her breath,  looking in the direction of the noise, waiting in  anticipation her fingers gripping the knife so  tightly  her knuckles start to turn white..then nothing.  Shaking it of she shrugs and continues on her path.
She lifts her head looking up at the great roller coaster that is surprisingly still in good nick,  not noticing the cart in front of her she almost trips over it,  grabbing it in time she falls into it curling her legs up, her knees touch her chest. she hugs her legs and cries.
Memories flash through her mind of her parents,  faint memories of them bringing her here. she remembers wanting to go on the coaster but was not tall enough for the ride. damn that stupid cutout with its arm out she thinks, i was only out an inch or two. “well” she says to herself,  wiping her wet cheeks and smudging dirt across them, “no point sitting here crying about it, come on feet” she pulls herself  up The shrill sound of terror emerges nearby and puts her on immediate alert. not wanting to engage the infected she tries to move away quickly, almost loosing her footing in the panic she gains her balance and momentum and runs back through the park and up the hill, making it to the top she looks back to the fairground,  her hands hold her knees as she pants out of breath, shakes her head wiping away another tear before it forms, pulls her back pack strap back up on her shoulder brushes the hair from her face and continues on her journey.