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Swept Away

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Dear Diary,

Its been awhile since I’ve written in my Journal after few days of exploring Arklay Island. I’ve encounter couple of the infected zombies on the island but nothing like on the main-land; however, I managed to survive the attacks without a weapon. The island is great place to live still trying to get settled in and came to the conclusion after talking to a woman named Ru in S-Mart shop telling me its almost impossible to survive on the island without a job. I asked Ru about the items she had for sale in the store out of curiosity which I do not have much cash on me nor enough items to do trades with that is of value. I asked Ru if she had any odd jobs that I could help with to gain little extra cash to start saving up maybe get a weapon of some sort to help defend myself. Ru at S-Mart told me that she could use me to clean off the sidewalk in front of the store which I gladly accepted. I started sweeping off the sidewalk and all was going well until  a zombie popped out from nowhere which I decided to fight and not run away from so I could finish up my work well … I won the fight; however, it was tough fight even though it was a little girl drooling blood out of her mouth she was stronger than I expected. The zombie hurt my leg so I’m now limping and have a few scratches but nothing too fatal. After I finished my job that Ru offered me, I told her about my encounter with the infected and she gave me a med-kit for my troubles which was much appreciated along with the cash for the job.  I got my foot bandage up hopefully its just a sprained ankle and put some antibiotic crème on my scratches which seems to be healing up pretty fast. I think I’m going to rest for awhile so that it will speed up the healing process.. rest is always good.