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Tough titties? Or sweet kisses?

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Okay, so something kinda weird’s just happened. I was gonna go pay the rent on my room, I’d saved up enough cash from the caff, so that was all cool, and I’d got to the office when the guy shook his head and said it’d been covered. And I kinda went ‘huh?’ and he just said that yeah, it’d been paid. So I kinda went ‘huh?’ again. And he just looked at me and shrugged before going back to his stuff. I tried to get him to tell me like who, what, when, how? But he just shook his head, said he didn’t know anything about it, just the book said it was paid and therefore, as far as he was concerned, it was paid. And that was pretty much that.

Weird or what? I went back to my room all majorly confused. I gotta admit, on the way I was looking around loads, almost as if I was expecting someone was gonna suddenly appear all ‘ta-da! It was me!’ But nope, nothing and now I’m like seriously scratching my head wondering what’s going on! Coz you gotta admit, this is pretty weird, right? I mean, have I like got a secret mystery benefactor type thing? My mind’s totally racing all over the place and now I literally can’t look at anyone without wondering if it was them, which is really silly, I know, but I totally can’t help it, coz you know, big time this is a mystery.

But oh my gosh… I’ve just thought, what if it was like a mistake and someone’s gonna come knocking at my door demanding the money back? Dunno, but I’m like thinking tough titties for them. And totally sweet kisses for mystery benefactor, obvs!