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  1. Vandella "Van" la-Ta'Vak

    Join the club

    When I first met Jade, she gave me an open invitation to the Howler hangout.  I took it and actually came in on an interesting day for them.   But they were really chill and I have since been spending a lot of time with them while considering their offer to...
  2. Vandella "Van" la-Ta'Vak


    I dont know where to begin…  I realize now that I have so many misconceptions about the island and the people who call it home.  Hear people talk and you take it at face value because you dont know any better, but so far it’s all been a crock of shit!  First,...
  3. Vandella "Van" la-Ta'Vak

    Batter Up!

    Formally met Dale tonight and got to thank her for the shirt she lent me when I first arrived.  She also gave me the more detailed low down on the area.  It was a very interesting and pleasant conversation which ended with me buying a baseball bat.  …Should probably give it...
  4. Vandella "Van" la-Ta'Vak

    Settling In

    Yesterday Steel and came across a wild turkey in the woods.  We’re both hungry, so we tried to catch..with our hands.   Now, I’m laid up in the hospital with an ice pack on my ankle…what a stupid idea!  Why do I let him talk me into these things anyway?...