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Faction Changes

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Claire Seorn Claire Seorn 7 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Kali



Changes in Factions

Factions play an important part of our community here in Outbreak.  They are the gangs and families of Outbreak, movers and shakers, and they encourage trade, friction, alliances, etc.  Factions should focus on growth of their group, as well unity and loyalty, and the ultimate goal, surviving - or not just surviving, but living well - or as well as you can live in these days!  Factions can look to be hired if they advertise themselves, look to take over territory and hold it against rival factions, or make alliances for commodity trades.

As you all know, faction pay for all faction members has been implemented, which could result in an increased number of faction proposals, a higher number of factions on sim, and an increase in trade.   Because of this we've made a few changes in how factions are handled.

Changes in factions:

  • Factions members get paid. - Faction Safes are not faction-specific, so once a week click on ANY faction safe on sim and collect your pay.
  • Faction Bases - Sim-granted faction bases and commodities are at a limited supply.  Bases are provided free of charge (no rent) with a prim allowance to the faction leader. Due to the possible increase in factions, bases and commodities will be assigned after admin review, depending on activity and growth.   If you currently have a base, you are “grandfathered” in, but requirements will be assessed as needed.  We encourage current base-holders to work on recruiting members and their presence on sim to avoid losing their sim-provided base and commodity.
  • Military Factions are welcome - however, no government backstories, government orders, no off-island bases with groups and arsenals.  No weapons other than those sim-approved.  In other words, you arrive with only melee weapons.  Good backdrops for military groups are units that became separated from the rest and stuck together, mashup of different branches that regrouped and reorganized and stuck together, etc.

*The majority of the “military” type faction proposals we receive involve “the government” in their backstory and what the writer believed the government did or did not do at the time of the Outbreak.  These stories often differ from one proposal to another, conflict with each other, and also conflict with the Outbreak Lore.  Additionally, our rules do not allow weapons other than Outbreak HUD weapons.  So any military group arriving has no other resources but what they can carry, and no weapons aside for melee weapons as described on the website.

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Kali Kali.

--If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid. - Q

March 12, 2017 at 11:59 am
Profile photo of Claire Seorn

Claire Seorn


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March 13, 2017 at 2:50 pm
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