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Hospitals, the place of life and death.

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Yesterday wasn’t eventful at all. I just hung out at the garage all day. Then I ate a can of dog food. Worst mistake I ever made. I got sick. Super sick. I am talking about vomit and diarrhea sick. My body was sweating bullets and there was no stopping it. Finally, after talking to my brain I convinced it to take me to the Hospital where the lovely Pacey was.

Unfortunately for me Pacey was busy with some girl that had been injured. She was bleeding out all over the lobby floor. I was like shit ya know? I stepped aside and was letting Pacey deal with the girl, but when it came time for her to take her upstairs I could see it in Paceys face that she was too weak to lift her. Well I’m not the strongest girl here but I certainly ain’t the weakest. I told Pacey to take her legs and I would take her top side. On three we lifted and got the girl upstairs to a bed.

The doc checked the girls pulse. I didn’t know what to do besides tell her I’m O positive. I’m basically a universal donor. Granted that girl might get the shits, but it’s better than being dead. Pacey said her pulse was strong and she didn’t need my blood. After the girl was stable enough Pacey helped me. I haggled her down a bit for the pills. I still don’t have a gun and I can’t be affording to spend $200 for some pills. I mean I did help with the girl.

Her name is Lia by the way. I hope she makes it. Is it weird of I go check up on her? Either way. This town sure is changing me. I would of never offered my blood for someone outside of this place.

-Brooke Rinoa

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