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AEGIS security solutions

AEGIS is a private military company. Led by Claire Seorn, this group provides contract services to individuals and business alike. The majority of the personnel is composed of prior military service men and women. The organization continues to retain its discipline and training regimes despite the difficult times. AEGIS has recently begun to offer its services to the people of Arklay hoping for a long lasting mutually beneficial endeavors.


Arkley Raid

Arklay Raid and Rescue is a guerrilla task-force dedicated to ascertaining high priority assets for the town of;citizens of;businesses associated to the Town of Arklay; with a special attention to working the mainland. Responders consist of those willing to under-go training and put themselves in harms way for the prosperity of Arkley's thriving open market trading system. Our mission is to provide skilled escort teams into dangerous;mainland;horde infested environments to aid the citizens vital and gathering needs;to extract them from life threatening areas. If you're up to the challenge, then contact Meridiaan Luckless or DollyMayhem Resident to start your recruitment today.


The Watchmen

The Watchmen were created with one thing in mind - Preserving Arklay's status as a major trade hub. This means keeping Arklay's gates secured and its inhabitants feeling safe and protected from the vast number of things that seek to threaten that. Be it hostile Raiders interested in taking any and all supplies that you've got. Or be it mindless, shambling corpses that are after something far more valuable than mere possessions. The Watchmen maintain law and order within the Green Zone.