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  • 9 years, 8 months ago


    briannasbumlife-resident Posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    It would be small game, nothing huge, but I figured that the food bank would store dry and wet foods people find and scavenge. We’d have groups that are assigned to be logged on at a certain time and roleplay a shift. it would be once every twi weeks that they are assigned to do so there would be rabbit and deer, things that are easy to hunt for, only special times will there be anything else. not much diversity in food choiced but then again it makes it much more believable since id ont feel as if people actually would be eating steak at the end of the world (HAHA)
    i think what people are looking for in this sim is more danger. we lack the element of surprise as of now, and at times the waiting gets qite boring, giving people an avennue for adventure wil relieve that.
    To outweigh the costs, hunters may have to supply their own ammunition,, but they get first pick of food and scavehnged items. That gives way for trading money for purchased foods which gives them more avenues for revenue.
    The gatherers will be in charge of culltivating and taking care of each of the fruits and veggies collected, on days where the hunters have caught game, they will be in charge of salting meets and sectioning them out for rationing. there will be an ice bath that they will be submerged in until pick-up. notices will be sent to each person on the sim that are subscribed to food rationing forpick-up day, and all left overs will be divied out to the highest bidder.
    it will be first come first served for the most part.
    The eights already has some vegetation, planting a whole potato or seeds frim an apple will be good for cultivating seeds to plant. basucally we recycle seeds, we grow a plant and then use one of it made fruit to plant once more for new foods.
    I hope that answers most of your questions!