Adrianne Meredith
8 years, 4 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
Adrianne Meredith
Have you found that scraps give you a little food, meat chunks a bit more, and ham/bacon/venison fill the hud? Or are meat chunks less than scraps? I’m trying to sort my inventory according to what each item does for hud for both trading and OCD purposes. Haha. Also, I noticed under “rotting flesh” on the commodities page, it has two chicken legs…[Read more]
8 years, 7 months ago
Adrianne Meredith
I love this. I’d like more places to sell hunted meat! and I think the ingredients for dairy products would make for more fun rp, maybe get people keeping chickens etc. Maybe there could even be a project to go to the mainland and get some cows to keep and breed for milk/beef.