David Valentino
9 years, 5 months ago
9 years, 5 months ago
David Valentino
Well, speaking for The Dollhouse, any conflict RP is always welcome, though I would prefer that they left the weed thing out of it, as I would like that to remain the market of The Dollhouse, and have taken some steps, like a deal with the ATC, for it to remain so. But hey, all’s fair in drugs and war.
9 years, 6 months ago
David Valentino
David is past most of his fears and insecurities from life before the shit storm. He counts each day now as just a bonus life in the big game. He probably mostly fears attachments, such as true love, and even the pain of the loss of real friendship.
9 years, 6 months ago
David Valentino
I know, I know…a slippery slope and most likely one that no admin wants to get started, but I do have some minor requests for changes to The Dollhouse. So who has building rights?
1. There is an empty room at the Dollhouse with no door to access it. I’d like a door, or at least a gap in interior wall to put a door into. It’s a wasted sp…[Read more]
9 years, 6 months ago
David Valentino
I just wanted to bump this up for any further discussion or input on how to make it happen HUD-wise. We’ve already been role-playing getting the operation started at The Dollhouse, and some folks have been great about role-playing buying the product and using it, etc., but it would make it much more legitimate, and a way to earn or spend HUD…[Read more]
9 years, 8 months ago
David Valentino
We’ve been tossing the idea around in The Dollhouse to start an actual marijuana growing operation. This can mostly just be role-played out within the staff, from finding viable seeds, to finding a secluded growing area, germinating starters in the basement, etc. A few props might be added.
There are already people playing that they have pot, s…[Read more]
9 years, 9 months ago
David Valentino
Two times now I have “successfully” scavenged from the trash can near the diner. The actual trach can, by the picnic tables, and two times the money hasn’t gone to my HUD. The first time was for $80, and just today, the second time, was for $25. I’ve had successes with other dumpsters and such and it always goes to my HUD, so thinking maybe i…[Read more]
9 years, 9 months ago
David Valentino