10 years ago
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
thank you Isaac! I had a new player asking about it so they could write their back ground based off of it.
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
I had someone asking me about the background story for the city, I gave them the run down.. but when you click read more of the story on the main page nothing opens.. anyone else have this issue?
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
Thank you everyone for feed back in the matter. I think there are great roleplayers here as well, and there is a core group already who want to lead the sim into further stories. It is just letting them have the freedom to do so. I love the build and I steady bring people in and have them check it out.. Real life sucks at times cause well we want…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
I agree with you lacey 100% but the thing is getting the groups and fractions led. I know people have put a lot of effort and time and rp’ into running them already but feel as if they didn’t get noticed, group purposes out there.. as well as business.. it just needs to evolve some I think.. maybe people are just already loosing interest?
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
I have been here since the day the sim was open. I seen a lot of good talented Rp’ers come in and not return. Some return and leave again not coming back. I adore this sim and I want it to work, but some say it is lacking rp? But going out and finding it is key.. maybe we need to come up with something that sparks the rp for some and interests for…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
There is a gate in the s-mart that goes into a back room.. there is no way to open it or walk through it.. so if you want to rp that you are getting something for back there or there is a deal going on.. you have to pop out a pose ball and rp it then you have to have someone tp you back out to the other side… is there anyway to make the gate…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
I think this sounds great! Not only can you do it with people. But when people are out looking for things if they find personal items, pictures, old drivers I.d., passports..dog tags, things that aren’t needed but are around in the rubble they could be turned in as well.. Having a meeting spot and then someone to confide in and help them look…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
Sure, I will post a back ground story in the other forum. I never put one in there cause I tend to like to learn peoples journeys through Rp. I also have a small version in sl.
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
Yeppers! first come first serve!
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
I live in the apartments and I think that sounds great.. since money and rent wouldn’t to so much a key factor.. earning your keep would be the key thing and chipping in where you can.. I think this sounds great!
10 years, 1 month ago
Julia Wolfe
That cabin at the beach. I don’t think the rental box is set up correctly.. Jukke Resident has been trying to rent it and it just kicks the payment right back to him. I went also with him to look at it and the price boxes are set up pre the weekly price of the cabin rental. Can it get fixed and locked for juke to buy since he been waiting for it…[Read more]