8 years, 3 months ago
8 years, 3 months ago
I love this! While I don’t exactly own a shitton of clothes for my avatar (as I try to limit his stock to clothes I actually own IRL), it’s still quite a bit more than I could feasibly see him having hauled around with him for the last two years. This business would provide a WAY better vector to getting some clothes replaced/repaired than “I ran…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
9 years, 2 months ago
From what I gather this means we can make the assumption there’s a constant NPC presence of VPA in town, given the size of the VPA’s current (player) roster. It’d be impossible for just a couple individuals to keep all this under wraps across the island all the time, but the folks at the head of the sim would really like for there to be enforced…[Read more]
9 years, 2 months ago
From what I gather this means we can make the assumption there’s a constant NPC presence of VPA in town, given the size of the VPA’s current (player) roster. It’d be impossible for just a couple folks to keep all this under wraps across the island all the time, but the folks at the head of the sim would really like for there to be enforced laws on…[Read more]
9 years, 2 months ago
From what I gather this means we can make the assumption there’s a constant NPC presence of VPA in town, given the size of the VPA’s current roster – it’d be impossible for just a couple folks to keep all this under wraps across the island all the time.
It makes sense to me, seeing as Arklay’s probably got a sizeable population at this point. So…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
DISCLAIMER – Please be advised that this post was written with no hostility or malice and contains simple observations laid down with no intent to harm, offend, or belittle the hard work that went into bringing these items to the sim.
The release of shotguns in Outbreak is pretty exciting! I mean come on, any zombie movie lover worth his or…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
DISCLAIMER – This topic was posted in a forum titled ‘Feedback and Suggestions’ because that’s what it is. As such please bear in mind this was written with no hostility or malice; the following are simple observations laid down with no intent to harm, offend, or belittle the hard work that went into bringing these items to the sim. Yes, I’m…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
The release of shotguns in Outbreak is pretty exciting! I mean come on, any zombie movie lover worth his or her salt can’t help but love the concept of blasting the living dead with a scattergun. They’re extraordinarily powerful, the pump-action variety has that pants-shitting inspiring sound when the pump is racked, and they look cool.
Sadly, I…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
The release of shotguns in Outbreak is pretty exciting! I mean come on, any zombie movie lover worth his or her salt can’t help but love the concept of blasting the living dead with a scattergun. They’re extraordinarily powerful, the pump-action variety has that pants-shitting inspiring sound when the pump is racked, and they look cool.
Sadly, I…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
Newly elected Head Chef Jason Caliber of Sam ‘n Ella’s Diner was one of few who heard about the rat infestation early on, via Daxia Ardan with the hospital group. Starting early Monday afternoon he quickly rounded up the inventory of the diner and secured it as best he could: large items (such as sacks of rice and flour) on top of the conexes,…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
Newly crowned Head Chef Jason Caliber of Sam ‘n Ella’s Diner was one of few who heard about the rat infestation early on, via Daxia Ardan with the hospital group. Starting early Monday afternoon he quickly rounded up the inventory of the diner and secured it as best he could: large items (such as sacks of rice and flour) on top of the conexes,…[Read more]
9 years, 3 months ago
9 years, 3 months ago
So let’s see… I just came back to Outbreak yesterday! I participated in the Beta and when the sim launched stopped playing. But I digress, I was issued a Sig Sauer P226 handgun due to my registration input.
The P226 is a beautiful weapon (although really really heavy for its size) but I just learned that issue of starting weapons was…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
A deep breath. He hasn’t needed to use it terribly often – thus that momentary hesitation borne of unsure confidence with it – but he has taken very good care of his ninjato. It’s a prized relic of his previous life, even if it was mostly a drunken Internet purchase in the middle of the night, and even if it spent most of its time sitting out in…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Truth is, Jason’s not such a sneaker, and he’s not so great when it comes to whole situational awareness. If anything, in the greater realm of ‘zombie warfare,’ he’s definitely the kind of guy more built to blast and smash a pathway through the Infected and structures than to try and snoop around unnoticed. On occasion it was the way to go, but…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
In the weeks before his move to Arklay, Jason had done a lot of observation on the Infected. Since his survival was dependent on his knowledge of how the things worked, he dedicated quite a bit of time to figuring them out. He’d watched them walk right off the edges of buildings, right into cars, even once managed to get one to try and crawl…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
“Tell me about it,” Jason says, in response to Shade’s comment. Like Magnum, Jason briefly reflected on the possibility of his death today, and his past. He’d been a real shithead in the past. He was on his way to getting better and developing a legitimate career but then the outbreaks started to happen. It triggered something in him – flipped a…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Jason hadn’t really conversed with Shade before, but then again it seemed pretty rare for conversations with fellow survivors to go much different from this one. Tossing a freshly sharpened blade atop a previous one, he shakes his head. “Nah, not looking for anything in particular. Mostly I just wanna see what things look like inland now.” He…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Jason on the other hand is totally cool with the duct tape. Yes, he’s kitted himself out in a way that covers all of his mucous membranes completely, but it never hurts to have one’s skin covered. When they’re on the verge of arriving at their final destination he’ll blouse his trousers into his boots, tape around them securely, tuck his shirt in…[Read more]
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