Zhao Wu
7 years ago
8 years, 8 months ago
Zhao Wu
you have been hard working over the ATC business and you deserve the spot in my opinion! totally supported
8 years, 8 months ago
Zhao Wu
9 years ago
Zhao Wu
I would follow experience from other leads around the sim, they usually send their employees to do some task outside, and that task would have a reward ICly too, since it’s a work what we are talking about, so that will help them, interact with other people around town, work for store around the town, and don’t just seat on the store for earn…[Read more]
9 years ago
Zhao Wu
Adding together with my other answer for Touka, the items that I’m planing to sell are ammo and some weapons (as the main), clothes, clocks (no working ones), for specific customers (for other business), I would sell stuff they are looking for, example… garage i would sell an electronic part they need… but only just for them.
To promote…[Read more]
9 years ago
Zhao Wu
Adding together with my other answer for Touka, the items that I’m planing to sell are ammo and some weapons (as the main), clothes, clocks (no working ones), for specific customers (for other business), I would sell stuff they are looking for, example… garage i would sell an electronic part they need… but only just for them.
To promote…[Read more]
9 years ago
Zhao Wu
Adding together with my other answer for Touka, the items that I’m planing to sell are ammo and some weapons (as the main), clothes, clocks (no working ones), for specific customers (for other business), I would sell stuff they are looking for, example… garage i would sell an electronic part they need… but only just for them.
To promote…[Read more]
9 years ago
Zhao Wu
My plans to obtain items sell are making trades with people, like a clothe for a bullet, a piece or an old radio for some food, or employees and myself going to find that stuff icly.
As business i will deal with both, unless one start doing bad things around the town with the items we sell.
For growing the RP at general store, I will be able to…[Read more]
9 years, 1 month ago
Zhao Wu