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Guys she said the proposal is closed. Leave it be now
Guys she said the proposal is closed. Leave it be now
Eh, idunno what to say. I’ve read some thoughts on the whole arc and the girl and stuff, its not focused on just one thing there is a group, I personally love the idea of it all. I think its interesting I do think it was well thought out, everyone has there own opinion on it and Outbreak can use some darkness rather then white knights and stuff…[Read more]
I think this is a great proposal Missy! I’d love too see the things you have planned for the Dollhouse, and making it an active Roleplay Place for new/old players. You have my support with this
I really do love this proposal. I think its a great idea! And should def bring in some good, fun RP. I support this idea
Interesting idea for sure! but um….lol uh i don’t know what to say….
Dru has a fear of abuse physical from what he’s been through. Yeah he likes to stab people if he can manage and do crazy shit, but torture/rape things like that. Triggering things
Gah Juno is adorbes! I think this is a GREAT proposal, very creative. The whole idea of having a post office type thing is very interesting in my opinion. Making it easy to have IC meetings, hangouts or whatever it be. You have my support juno love it! ♥
I think this is a GREAT idea, I love the overall idea, I can also see my character trying to get in on this. I support this idea!
I really like the idea of having the prostitutes know basic self defense, going out with weapons to protect themselves say whatever the case may be ICly that they would need it. Your ideas for the Dollhouse seem awesome, you seem to be looking at pretty much everything that goes on there, with the prostitution, makeovers, weed, baths etc…This is…[Read more]
Awesome! thank you missy
So just putting this here so everyone knows what’s been going on ICly lol, Remi and Brett have met ICly and pretty much discussed everything, how they can work together ICly, What can be done, business wise and having the Dollhouse, have some possible New Dolls, as they discussed maybe going out and spreading the word jobs being there for anyone…[Read more]
Rene, Riley, Nicole, Drew
Those are all my characters that died so far lol
Of course! And the AES will come into play for the dolls that decide to get checked for any form of diseases. For now I can’t really think of a way that the dollhouse and the other two would work on anything, as they both have very different businesses that don’t deal with each other. Although Remi would want to keep on good grounds with them,…[Read more]
[Deleted since i thought it ate my post the first time]
[Deleted since i thought it ate my post the first time]
(I’m just gonna make this short because it decided, to eat everything i wrote -.- )
If anyone were to be kidnapped for the purposes of slavery, they’d end up appearing in the dollhouse for ‘sale’, Now this would be done behind curtains as an un advertised service. It’s also not going to be gender bias (pending OOC consent from whoever was…[Read more]