Trey Silvershot
Welcome to Outbreak, and Dixon’s garage! See you down there!
Welcome to Outbreak, and Dixon’s garage! See you down there!
Sounds like a real good time! Earthquakes and floods, and Biters…oh my!
Floods, errr, damn. *Puts his arm floaties on*
Obviously we’d trade in herbs as well. Anything characters are wildcrafting, they can come down and deal. It opens up commerce for the survivalists, gets a bit of rp flowing. Kind of central location for business for anything wild. We’d also like to make part of the shop a tea shop of sorts, and possibly talk to the admins about making it a he…[Read more]
Obviously we’d trade in herbs as well. Anything characters are wildcrafting, they can come down and deal. It opens up commerce for the survivalists, gets a bit of rp flowing. Kind of central location for business for anything wild.
We can rp that out, Buffy. Tryg knows how to make various types of wine, as well as Applejack
That would be great, Katey!
That would be great, Katy!
We LOVE bath Sunday!
Mine nao. *takes* I shall call you the Night Owl- Owlet for shorter- and it will be grand. I swear it’s a falcon on that shirt i gave you….>.>
GOD BLESS GREEN BAY! (lol- WI native, go Pack!) Welcome to the sim, Sister!
Looking forward to meeting you and the good Sister on sim, Father! We have a fair number of feral teenagers roaming around, should be interesting!
He isn’t a Navy Seal, Special Forces, or a Ninja. Just a blind kid who got lucky. Grandma had their packs all ready, an old hippy, the elderly woman knew a bit about woods lore. He’d camped with her, fished, that sort of thing. Limited by his intolerance to the sun, Tryg was born an albino. His vision very limited, but his other senses…[Read more]
Seems like my HUD has been buggy lately?
I have yet to scavenge anything out of the piles around town. Even after several attempts, it tells me every time i have not had any luck. Seems like everyone that comes after me has no problem finding items in the same piles. Seems like the last few zombies i’ve killed haven’t dropped anything eit…[Read more]
Thanks for the response Buffy!
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I think this is going to add to the sim, and give a lot of good side rp, especially as a place for darker gossip and rumors. I think this kind of business is about as old as civilization. It probably pre-dates it, come to think of it. Good luck Buffy, see y…[Read more]
Aww shit, it’s Vibrio, isn’t it.
Out of the two recent proposals, i see this as being the more solid of the two, and the one that’s going to bring the most to the community. I think it has enough different and unique aspects to bring a solid rp aspect to the sim, and it’s quiet enough to fit well with the idea that the town still has zombie problems. People can get their n…[Read more]
I sat here and thought about this one for a while. I wanted to make sure my thoughts were fairly clear on the idea and what kind of rp it might lead to. Normally i love getting on the forums and going over proposal ideas and being all “Hell yeah, let’s do it!” This one, i’m having a hard time seeing though. As we’re standing, zombies have ove…[Read more]
Thanks. Always happy to add new stores to my shopping list.
I am still showing up as dead. I’ve done a hard reset and still no changes. Also the rumors button is not working for me, unless it’s alg that is stopping it from doing so.