7 years, 2 months ago
7 years, 9 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
ill see what i can do in regards. when i was here before it was more lively.
7 years, 9 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
yeah i gotta find some decent dirt layers and scar layers for the Catwa Catya head before i do that. but yeah people need to play there characters properly. like normal humans. not Project Mjolnir Spartan 2s… REALISM PEOPLE!!! REALISM
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
i withdrew the proposal. and here is why…
Post edited for inappropriate comments by Kali.
Questions and comments are part of the proposal process
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
i withdrew the proposal. and here is why. i have noticed. Benjamine. most notibly. seems to post negatively on any new faction that he feels would pose a threat to him and his circle jerk buddies. ive noticed he has done this on BEAr’s page and AEGIS’s page. and those who circle jerk with him. follow suit. its disgusting. and childish behavior. i…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
i withdrew the proposal. and here is why. i have noticed. Benjamine. most notibly. seems to post negatively on any new faction that he feels would pose a threat to him and his circle jerk buddies. ive noticed he has done this on BEAr’s page and AEGIS’s page. and those who circle jerk with him. follow suit. its disgusting. and childish behavior. i…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
at this time i am removing myself from Outbreak. and revoke my faction proposal. it was a pleasure
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
To Clarify: BEAR recruits ANYONE. not just Soviets or Russians. i was stating that BEAR has Russian ORIGIN and Soviet ORIGIN. this does not mean we only take in Russians and Soviets. one member of BEAR is AMERICAN. so nobody will be left out.RUSSIA and the SOVIETS are the ORIGIN such as the BACKGROUND ORIGIN ONLY. thank you.
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
for those of you who fail to understand. NEITHER BEAR NOR AEGIS are SECURITY/LAW ENFORCEMENT GROUPS. we are neither. we are not going to take the job away from the other two security groups as WE ARE NOT SECURITY GROUPS. thank you for your time. i am 100% certain that when i made BEAR here. i never used the abbreviations PSC or PSF (Private…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
for those of you who fail to understand. NEITHER BEAR NOR AEGIS are SECURITY/LAW ENFORCEMENT GROUPS. we are neither. we are not going to take the job away from the other two security groups as WE ARE NOT SECURITY GROUPS. thank you for your time.
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
BEAR will be active but i am waiting on Barnaby to return from his vacation. he will be back sometime around the 11th. i will also keep him informed and if he has any input he would like me to relay i will relay such accordingly. once my two founders are back from whatever they are doing in RL i will talk with them about a recruitment process.…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
this is the thing. id like to see both AEGIS and BEAR get accepted. and here is why. AEGIS and BEAR have the potential to work along side eachother. AEGIS id guess is NATO based. where as BEAR is Soviet with Russian Origin. now. people can join BEAR. but its not a thing that happens right away. as BEAR has just started dealing with the contagion…[Read more]
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
i honestly like the idea. would be good to have around. potential ally for BEAR
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)
8 years, 3 months ago
Kayla C. Melnikova (Slade Fiertze)