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active 9 years, 3 months ago
  • 9 years, 4 months ago


    Okay. As one of Arklay’s criminals here goes! Now I have a feeling I am late to this thread but imma go ahead and throw my two cents at it. I love the idea of opening up a place where criminals can work, I love the idea of having someone who will keep there mouth shut, take what I am offering them and hand me some money. But! your location… is…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 4 months ago


    Okay. As one of Arklay’s criminals here goes! Now I have a feeling I am late to this thread but imma go ahead and throw my two cents at it. I love the idea of opening up a place where criminals can work, I love the idea of having someone who will keep there mouth shut, take what I am offering them and hand me some money. But! your location… is…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago


    Well, firstly I feel the need to point out it was like 4 am or something like that when I made the proposal and there had been previous drinking, so the whole the original proposal isn’t what it should have been.. It still needs a lot of work.. like I have spoken with someone and think it’d be better to make the shop kind of a seamstress/laundry…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago


    Ghost Started the topic Ghost in the forum Introductions 9 years, 5 months ago

    “Ghost” had finally decided to straighten up her act. She was no kid any more. Now in her mid 20’s it was time to get a real job and be an adult. She stepped out of  prison that day, shed served a simple 3 year sentence after trying to buy acid off a cop. The son of a bitch had done so well tricking her into trying to buy off him! Wasn’t her…[Read more]