Rustic Homes in Second Life
Make a home for your character! Priced as low as a cup of coffee per week, you can rent one of our artisan residences and enjoy:
- Actual home for use in stories and private scenes
- Furnish and personalize your space
- Lockable doors
- Estate security monitoring for griefers
- Set home location (CTRL+H)
Available homes may be rented by visiting in-world and paying the For Rent sign. Pricing is based on location and prim allowance:
Property | Type | Region | Price | Prims |
Vehicle & Horse Permits

Special perks are offered for those who wish to support the sim and the costs to run it! You can drive your own vehicle or ride a horse depending on the permit you get! Note, there is a very limited number of them available.
Learn more horse and vehicle permits...
Availability | Property | Region | Price | Updated |
Private Businesses
A proposal is required to rent a private business. Private business tenants earns 4x more payout and access to the leaders group and forum. Some of the available shops also offer a loft upstairs for private quarters.
Learn more about running your own business...
Property | Region | Price | Prims | Idea |