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3 O’Clock Blues

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Kali sat cross-legged on the landing of the metal stairs at the Royal Palms and smoked a joint.  The moon was so bright, washing everything in a silvery glow that just looked amazing when stoned.   Too bad nothing was amazing anymore.  She kept her feet tucked in because of fucking creepers, and despite the nice little daze she put herself in, she knew enough to keep her back to the stairs that led up so she could keep an eye out on the ground while she held that thing to her lips like she was worshiping it.3 O'Clock blues

It was good stuff.  Stuff like– like she hadn’t had in a long, long time.  This one had come from one of her “clients”.  She didn’t have many, just a few a week, and she had even less now that The Dollhouse was in full swing, but when the guy said he didn’t have cash but offered her the little baggy with enough weed to roll 4 good ones and a little packet with a few papers left in it, she really didn’t think about it much after opening it and taking a sniff.  Maybe he just wasn’t a stoner or something.  Cause…. fuck… she’d rather get stoned than get laid anytime, and any stoner she knew would rather get stoned and jerk off than give up his stash for a blow job–not when who knew where the next bit might come from.  And not that she had known any that ever had to make that choice, most got both at the same time anyway.

Now this guy was gone… she closed her eyes as she inhaled, holding in the sweetly scented smoke as the fog set in, and realized she didn’t even know his name, and he might never come back.  Maybe the next time she saw him she’d be having a panic attack cause he was now a Creeper–with his guts hanging out and the dick she’d just sucked off rotting off.  She shrugged, trying to shake off the thoughts and imagery and exhaled, blowing it towards the cherry on her joint to ash it.  She wasn’t expecting anyone else tonight.  She figured it was like 3 AM… maybe?  Who the fuck knew? She giggled as a BB King song came to mind.  She sang softly…“Now here it is three o’ clock in the mornin’, and I can’t even close my eyes…It’s three o’ clock in the mornin’, baby, I can’t even close my eyes, well, you know I can’t find my baby…mmm… and I can’t be satisfied

“Well he can stay in that fuckin’ ditch where I left him…” sighed, threading her fingers through her hair and pushing it off her face.  She didn’t care, she told herself.  She’d bailed out of Coach’s early after that Creeper attack that left Mack bleeding on the floor.. and she had no intention on being out in the open again–at least not for a few hours.

Guilt ate at her.  Buck would come, she knew it.  He would never let her go.  Right now he was shuffling his Creeper ass down PCH on his way to get her.  And if he didn’t turn, he’d only be here much, much sooner.

So now she’d look at that roach she held in her hand and told herself she really didn’t give a shit if he was coming.  She didn’t need anybody.  She stubbed out the roach to save it for later and went back inside.