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Kayleigh-Anne McCoy

Home Forums Introductions Kayleigh-Anne McCoy

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of KayleighAnne09 Resident KayleighAnne09 Resident 9 years, 6 months ago.

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KayleighAnne09 Resident


Kayleigh Anne was at boot camp when the world went to shit. The idea of fighting for her country had been her fathers, and she'd gone along with it to make the old man happy for a change. She'd been nothing that her mother had wanted thus far. No pretty dresses, no boyfriends, no dances or parties, or fun. Just a tomboy with an addiction to fighting...especially when that fighting could be bet on.

When all hell broke loose, and the dead began to jump the fences, command lowered quickly. At first the higher ups did everything they could to restore order. However, it didn't take very long for those who held command, to lose that grip on the trainees. As chaos took over the camp, Kayleigh took the opportunity to slip free. Armed with very little, and with a minimal amount of supplies in the old backpack she'd nicked from a bunk, she set out with one mission in mind...her little sister wouldn't make it without her.

When Kayleigh reached home she was tired, hungry, dirty, and had seen enough to know that she wasn't going to find her sister, or her parents, alive. What she found however, both confirmed, and denied this. Upstairs, locked in their bedroom, Kayleigh's mother and father lay, dead, on the floor, moaning dryly. It took her only a few moments to put the end of her pistol to their head and unload the last two bullets she had into their brains, leaving them unmoving where they lie. She found her sister int he basement, curled in a corner. Holed up in an attempt to wait out what had happened.

Annabelle was in denial of their parents, and Kayleigh hadn't the heart to tell her she'd put them out of their misery. So without a word she guided her sister from the house and they started out once more. After all, anywhere had to be better than there..journal picture_001

June 27, 2015 at 5:14 pm
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