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AES Chart Payouts

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of KayKay Stine KayKay Stine 8 years, 8 months ago.

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KayKay Stine


Every week on Sunday I will pay bonuses for charts turned in on patients, but I think there has been some confusion around this so I wanted to make a completely separate post on this.
1. This is NOT a sim thing, but an incentive I personally created to encourage RP at the hospital, to make sure charts get done, and reward active players. It is not money given to me by sim administrators, but paid out by my own HUD$. If this doesn't work out, or if this causes issues, I may stop it altogether.

2. I will not hunt down players to pay for charts. You must come to me on sim to receive pay. I will hold them exactly one week, after which I will no longer pay for them. In other words, I will not back-pay a month's worth of chart bonuses.

3. Please make sure all charts have your name AND secondlife name next to the attending nurse/doctor area and also make sure all staff who worked on that patient are listed so they are paid (NOTE: NPCs are not paid) Charts must also have an admission date filled out.  If these areas are left blank or only an NPC is listed the chart will not be paid.

Please if you have any questions or concerns send me an in-world IM.  I want everyone at the AES to enjoy their time there!


  • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of KayKay Stine KayKay Stine.

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April 17, 2016 at 12:01 pm
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