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AES Updates & Reminders (July/16)

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of KayKay Stine KayKay Stine 8 years, 5 months ago.

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KayKay Stine


CHARTS: Effective immediately I (KayKay Stine) will NO longer be paying out for charts. I started this months ago to encourage RP at the Hospital for the AES - Nadir has said he will be adding a new system for this at some point. Please still send charts to Lead doctor. This needs to be part of the RP. I will add a drop box in the lobby for ease of use.

WATER: For the time being till I understand what is going on with the water on the sim I will NOT be selling water to staff. I am sorry for any inconvenience this maybe.

SCRUBS: It has come to my attention people do not like the supplied scrubs, and I personally liked having a uniform look as this was implemented before I became lead and wanted to continue. It was RPed that q uniform places was raided so we have them, but as of now, if you have your own scrubs please feel free to wear them, if you do not we still have them available for free to staff members. Please dress appropriately and remember this is an IC thing with IC consequences.

MEDICINE: We are very limited it is almost two years since the outbreak, the shelf life on inter-vinous drugs should be coming to an end if not already. Please do not give shots or IVs without knowing for sure we have it. We do still have saline for giving fluids in IV's. I am currently working on a NC with a list of meds we have. Right now just think of it as having some pain meds in pill form, a few antibiotics, birth control, and other pills for small routine needs.

BITE VICTIMS: There is NO cure! If someone comes in bit, first see how long they have been on sim, if they are less than a week old IM them and explain that there are TWO outcomes from this, losing a limb (which they need to be able to play the part and at times buy something for the missing limb) or Die! If they go with the amputation please let them know they can not void it in a week when they are tired of walking around with one leg or arm. Always make sure you let the Lead Doctor know we have or had a bite victim.

PAY DAY: For anyone new, payday is on Sundays you have till the new check comes out to pick up your payout. If you don't pick it up before the next one comes out you lose that one. Also if you start mid week you will not get paid till the next week. At this time I can not explain how the pay works, or how much you make per hour/minute. Just play and have fun best not to worry with those small details.

MEDPACKS: These commodities are meant to be used in RP - NOT to be bought in bulk and used for other reasons. Seems these and other commodities on the sim are being mis-used and personally wish that this could be avoided. This is a survival sim after all.

CAMPING: I am still getting complaints about people just hanging around the hospital and not RPing, some even wearing their OOC tag. If you go AFK for more than a quick potty or snack break please TP out of the active RP area. Anyone found camping will be TPed home and if it happens more than once you will be removed from the roster and admins will be made aware.

IC/OOC CONFLICTS: We are all adults or by the rules per the sim we should be, that being said please keep all conflicts IC, if you have an issue with another player OOC please do the right thing and talk it out or just don't play with them. Seems to be a lot of he said she said going on the sim right now and honestly it is ruining the fun for other players. We all come here to have fun so lets do just that!

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July 26, 2016 at 5:35 pm
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