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Been a long week…

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I look around today, almost a month since I found Arklay, and wonder what is to become of me. I’ve made friends and lost friends, strengthened myself while in other ways loosing myself. the last few days have been a whirlwind, and the winds haven’t died down, but I see greatness ahead. I think Tallahassee may not be a fan anymore it seems in my interest to add another piece to my collection I forgot the golden rule of not shitting on the hand that feeds you, running up a price on him in a bidding war over a sig229. One day Tallahassee might understand my obsession with having a gun for every pocket, but for now I will keep my head down and weather the storm. I didn’t get the pistol either, and may have damaged a friendship carelessly in the process.

In other news, something has happened to me today. I walked down the road a bit and found a church, I sat there a while, taking in its aura and weathered state. It gave me an idea, inspiring me to do something better for the people of Arklay. It won’t be easy, but the time in the building had given me hope, something the town and the people in it could probably use with the biter attacks becoming more frequent.