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The Sun Also Rises

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Benjamin Weber geoffrey welders 7 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of Laeira Aventide

Laeira Aventide


Name: Laeira A. Aventide
Age: 25-30
D.o.B: 17/05
Sex: Fem
Orientation: Straight
Jobs: Writer, Journalist, Survivor

"Dear, you are UNRELENTINGLY average; you don't have the talent to make it out there."

Those were the last words my mother spoke to me before I left for college; her voice still bubbles up to the surface to haunt me, sometimes. Especially on days like today, when all I can think about are the ways in which I have NOT proven her wrong.

I'm almost 30 and the sum total of my life's achievements amount to one cheesy novel, some artwork, a handful of unpublished works likely to rot in storage forever and one university degree that proudly proclaims me an English Lit. major, holder of a Bachelor of Arts.

Maybe I'm just doomed to pass through life unnoticed, unremembered, but forgive me if I won't go quietly...

<hr />

Laeira Aventide was your average chubby, scoop-hungry investigative journalist pre-rising. She graduated from university, had struggles with her parents that most would have deemed 'first world problems' and took stupid risks in the name of 'experiencing life'. Like moving to 'America's Crack Den' and nearly getting herself killed several times over.

Like poking a psychopath for 'The Story' and getting herself locked up. Lucky for her, the Zompocalypse happened. Less luckily, she was no where near prepared for the sort of life one had to lead to survive in such a world. After the death of her captor in the first week of the 'new world', Laeira was able to find herself surviving mostly on sheer luck and intellect.

Using a mixture of prayer, shoddy survival skills learned camping with her family, a healthy dose of paranoia and a willingness to learn and do just about anything to survive, she made her way in the new world looking for what all survivors want; a safe haven.

☠Barbarus hic ego sum, qui non intelligor illis.☠

April 9, 2017 at 6:15 pm
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