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♪ Down With the Sickness ♫

Home Forums Feedback & Suggestions ♪ Down With the Sickness ♫

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Marcus Holt Marcus Holt 7 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of Cami Tiratzo

Cami Tiratzo


Alright so... hud sickness.  It's random, it's relentless, it's expensive.

I understand that it's been implemented for immersion, however I'm finding that it's dictating Rp more than aiding it in some cases.  The Flu for example... I login, boom, I have the flu.  I've had the flu many times in RL and never once have I had to seek medical attention to recover.  However with the flu in Outbreak, it just keeps going... and going... and going...

Additionally from what I'm seeing, there is a shortage of staff at the hospital.  It happens, and that's a bummer, but because it's happening right now, seeking out medical help is not always a viable option.  I personally don't want to feel like I'm forcing someone to Rp with me that may not have the time or may not be feeling well themselves... just so I can move on with my story.

So... all of that in mind... my suggestion is -----

Why not make it so that IF it's something like the flu, or even dysentery (mild cases can go away after some time) - Why not allow a person to actually recover on their own via the hud?  Sick people are already being penalized by spending out for more food and water just to stay healthy enough to keep scavenging and the likes.  So it is essentially costing them money and effort.  Why not make it like 5 days to 1 week as a recovery time, to give people the option of choice.  Rather than forcing folks to seek out expensive medical treatment and hold what limited staff the hospital does have 'hostage' to deal with one pooping puke-star after another?

Thoughts anyone? Everyone?


The Cake ----

February 19, 2017 at 12:28 am
Profile photo of Marcus Holt

Marcus Holt


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February 19, 2017 at 10:26 am
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