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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of KayKay Stine KayKay Stine 8 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of KayKay Stine

KayKay Stine


There's been a few things that have come to my attention, so I want to address them here, OOC'ly, so that we are all on the same page.

1. The lab is up and running again, so we can do check ups again.

2. I will pay you for charts. For more information read my post here:

3. Staff does not have to turn in their weapons. We don't have enough security and the hospital has been attacked so many times its okay for staff to be armed.

4. The guard does not pat or frisk people unless they have reason.

5. Medpacks:

----the Medpacks in the lobby are for the PUBLIC to buy and are expensive. They are for people who do not wish to RP getting medical care and want to buy a quick heal. They cost HUD$240, and they are a MINOR HEAL.

----The Medpacks UPSTAIRS are for sale to REGULAR STAFF ONLY (the bag that sells them will not work for non-staff members). People who aren't in the group cannot purchase these. They are a MAJOR HEAL (full heal), and are cheaper. Which means that YOU as STAFF can buy them for HUD$40 and resell them at a more expensive price and make a profit. RP giving medical care and charging the patient for the medpack. DO NOT TELL PEOPLE HOW MUCH THEY COST. You can charge them any amount over HUD$40 (up to HUD$240) and KEEP THE DIFFERENCE.

6. Suggestions, ideas, events -- If you have any ideas for events or suggestions, please do come seek out Kay (kaykay.stine) and discuss it, IC'ly and OOC'ly. Please also be prepared to carry them out. The only thing we draw the line on is 'improvements' to the build because it belongs to Nadir and we can't change it. You can rp all you want that you painted, but the walls will look the same and someone else will just come around and RP that they are filthy (even if you just rp'd painting them)--see #7.

7. The place is CLEAN - Kay, nor any other hospital/medical employee for that matter, would allow things to be so unsanitary. Feel free to RP housekeeping, or those running the shelter, feel free to exchange food or water or an extra night's stay for someone who'll do bed pan duty or other housekeeping chores.

8. I will post updates regularly on the website/forum. I will send out a notice with links, please do make sure you read them.

And of course, if you have any questions on any of this, please feel free to contact me.


  • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Kali Kali.

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May 6, 2016 at 8:54 pm
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