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Alex Vandal

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alex (LotusPen) Alex (LotusPen) 9 years, 6 months ago.

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Alex (LotusPen)


A 2nd year Philosophy student at Caltech, Alex didn't take the Infected seriously at first. The university was recommending a transfer but her and her friends dismissed it all as hype and they were skeptical. Alex's parents wanted her home in England, but she'd recently just been home and it was term time. It could wait. Taking each day as it came, she endured her ever-changing routine as life slowly crumbled around her. Even when the local area was evacuating, Alex and her friends still stuck to their guns, or their studies rather. But when her closest friend got bit, it was then the denial was over. Packing her bags, Alex dashed to the nearest airport but they turned her away. In an attempt to contain the illness, she'd have to pass various tests first.

Soon, the area was in chaos. Her university had become a prison with people trapped inside and services were down. During this time, Alex was living hand-to-mouth and now she was desperate to flee. When she could finally prove her health to the airport, they were already overrun. The last plane was taking off. Her phone was out of battery. The thought of her parents' anguish over not-knowing their daughter's fate made her sick with guilt. No one was there to help her. She was alone.

Wandering the countryside as a witness to this catastrophe, Alex has picked up some survival skills on the way but largely depends on her stealthy abilities and knack for foraging and scavenging. She's an independent person with a masculine energy and thoughtful demeanour, though like everyone, she has her ups and downs. Not every day is her day.

Maybe some day she can tell her parents that.

I play Alex Vandal, a previous Philosophy student at Caltech.

She owns the diner and is a Keeper!

Get to know her IC to find out more! 🙂

September 24, 2015 at 6:41 pm
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