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Bee Szaberwick

Home Forums Introductions Bee Szaberwick

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Blossom szaberwick blossom-szaberwick 9 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of Blossom szaberwick



Bee was back-packing her way around the USA when IT happened. The end of the world as we know it. World War Z. 28 Days later. Resident Evil. She wasn't in a major city when it happened, but saw enough of the news to know that's not where to head - especially given the rumours of military turning on civilians at the refugee camps - she knows the best chance of survival she has is keeping out of everyones way, Humans and Zombies alike.

What she lacks for in finesse and combat skills (she is the clumsiest person you are likely to meet, no one wants to see her armed with anything more dangerous than a supersoaker) she makes up with smarts and dumb luck. Her skills are mainly automotive - she had a small garage back in the UK and had a steady business boosting and ringing stolen cars before getting into the kind of trouble that sends you back packing to another continent. She could probably transfer these skills to small engines in generators and the like - or getting wrecks going.

Bee overheard a group of hunters talking about Arklay Island  - She had climbed onto the roof of their cabin to sleep for the night after helping herself to some of their food and topping up her hipflash with the wicked evil moonshine. She STILL has a headache.

She arrived in Arklay a couple of days ago now, but she's keeping to herself. She climbs to the higher ferris wheel cars when she needs to sleep and rest. There may be no zombies here but trust in humanity or people isn't a big thing for Bloss.

Though she is terrified at least 50 times a day, she is streotpically British in her dealing with the situation. Tea, Sarcasm and general grumpiness.


January 13, 2015 at 6:27 pm
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