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Benjamin Weber

Home Forums Introductions Benjamin Weber

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Benjamin Weber geoffrey welders 8 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Benjamin Weber

geoffrey welders


((Hello there, I'm Geoffrey Welders! You may have seen me around in such places as the Crack Den, Shipyard, and now Outbreak. I've been around off and on in the Alterscape sims quite a bit!))

If there's one thing Benjamin Weber learned about sobriety check points, sometimes it was better to just plow on through. The same strategy can be applied to the dead that now roam the highways.

Before the outbreak, Ben was born in the small town of Kearney, Nebraska 37 years ago. It's a fairly small town and it was already pretty much dead before the world as we knew it ended. He longed for the open road, for adventure, to live a life with few restrictions and outside the status quo. That's why he became a trucker and hauled his way from coast to coast.

When the contagion hit and turned everything upside down, it was pretty much an end to his career. He drove his rig around so far as California, snatching what fuel he could, before the entire rig just fell apart and died. It's now somewhere south of Bakersfield so he figures.

Moving north up the coast, Ben found his way among a few colonies of survivors. There's been a few small encampments, several occupied buildings, but he's yet to dwell in anything like the relative safety of Arklay Island. After the last settlement fell due to infighting, he forced himself onward until finding this once thriving, but now dilapidated tourist haven.

May 9, 2016 at 2:46 am
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