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Dana Breeze

Home Forums Introductions Dana Breeze

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of dana maxwell dana-maxwell 9 years, 10 months ago.

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Before this all started Dana lived a happy life in a town called Belleview Estates where she raised her family along with her loving husband. For weeks there had been cases and reports going out about some type of bug or so they thought. Dana was Chief of Police over in BE and had gotten a report saying that they needs to get everyone out of the town but not to alarm anyone. On that evening the Mayor of the city put out a statement saying they did not know what the "bug" was or how to treat it. There were sever ways you could get it and told the symptoms of all. Well at that point the city went  into panic mode and the people started going crazy. Dana sent her family up ahead to stay with her inlaws along with her husband, she had to stay back to help and try to get things under control. That night after her family was going there was a loud BOOM that could be heard for miles around, the City was almost empty so everyone followed the sound. What Dana saw next she was not prepared for at all. When she arrived she say what look to be people standing around eating dead bodies the ARMY tried to move in and shoot them but that did not stop them just as Dana got out of her car 3 of those things saw her and started walking quickly towards her the only thing Dana could do was run for her life. Just as she turn to run a second BOOM came when she saw her car on fire, The ARMY tried to protect her but missed and hit her car. Dana ran back to her house and got some supplies , loaded up her suv and was on the road looking for her family. Life has never been the same...

February 23, 2015 at 6:34 pm
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