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Delphine Von Drenth (Delphi)

Home Forums Introductions Delphine Von Drenth (Delphi)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Delphine Von Drenth Delphine Von Drenth 8 years, 5 months ago.

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Delphine Von Drenth


Delphine grew up in a large city, her parents were both in the medical profession and wanted her to follow suit. At fifteen she had an affair with her high school teacher, leading to her falling pregnant and giving birth to a daughter at sixteen. Thinking her life was over she fell into a life of drink and drugs, prompting her parents to take care of her baby daughter. After a couple of years passed Delphi decided to get her life in check, she went to rehab and got clean and enrolled in school eventually graduating and pursuing a career in teaching. Life was eventually starting to go right, she had a home, her daughter again. several years passed and her life was stable and mundane, a mother, teacher and helped in her community. When she turned thirty two she met the love of her life, a burly man called Darrell who swooped her up in a whirlwind of love and romance. He proposed to her four years later and were preparing to be married when the outbreak occurred. Darrell was one of the first to succumb, leaving Delphi in a state of loss but her survival instinct kicked in and her and her daughter decided to flee the city with a group of neighbours. Traveling with the group became the norm, every now and then someone was lost to the virus and they met others along the road. One night a hoard ripped through their camp killing everyone except Delphi and her daughter who hid themselves under a camper until the following morning when all was clear. They have been alone since searching for a safe place, a home... a life.

-Life, for all its anguish, is ours... it belongs to no other-

July 8, 2016 at 5:50 am
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