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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Missy Falcove (Mystik Anatra) mystik anatra 8 years, 4 months ago.

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Profile photo of Missy Falcove (Mystik Anatra)

mystik anatra


Doll House Updates

Things to know:


  1. Prescription pills- WE’RE ALL OUT. It’s been awhile since Missy has been able to establish a decent supply run, with her giving birth not so long ago, a new injury and virtually no staff to delegate to (there’s only so much the NPC Holly can do), sadly the Doll House narcotic supply has run dry. Until other options present themselves, pills are not to be sold. Should any staff wish to organize a run, let me know!
  2. Weed- is our unofficial commodity. Since we stock all types of drugs, it’s okay to assume weed is one of them. However, we do not have access to purchasing from the weed plant, so only way to get it is through scavenging or buying it wholesale off someone who regularly supplies it.
  3. Hot spring ( OOC pool)- is OUT OF ORDER. The repeated use of soaps and shampoos has polluted it’s natural waters and now the Hot spring is filled with gunk and goo. Until this is fixed there are to be no baths. When the spring is back up and running, all bathers should use the sponge and bucket located near the shelves to clean themselves before settling in for a soak.
  4. Water- We sell it, but in LIMITED supply. DH has a water purification system, rped as a cast iron pot over an open flame, that can only be used once per day. This is due to the amount of firewood, lighter fluid and matches it takes just to get a decent fire going and those are finite items as well. Water for boiling is usually taken from the spring, but since it’s on the fritz, no water is to be sold until it’s fixed. One can argue that, sea water can just be boiled and collect the vapors from that to drink, a process called distillation, but ain’t nobody got time for that and certainly not on a large scale, if you’re thinking about making enough to sell.
  5. Cleaning- It’s everyone’s job to keep DH looking and smelling nice, after all it’s the most luxurious business in Arklay, so yep standards are on high. *Coughs* Regardless of all the ciggy smoke. Cleaning entails, sweeping the floors, tidying the foyer, bedroom and skimming any crud off the hot spring are to name a few.
  6. Laundry- We use the spring’s water or sea water for washing clothes and linen. Usually, the clothes are washed in a large basin on the back porch and clothes hung over the railing to dry, however until the hot spring is fixed, clothes will have to be hauled down to the beach and washed there.
  7. Mobile Services- is for anyone who enjoys being out and about and not always cooped up inside. It’s completely optional, if anyone wishes to participate. Assignments to go along with these services are located inside the staff room. Just wear your DH tag and click the map there.
  8. Generator- It’s important to keep the generator working. The red lights surrounding the building function as beacons to the tired and weary travelers in search of a friendly face and a good time. If the generator is out of juice, someone else will claim those coins. And that we cannot have. So, if you see it running on empty and Missy isn’t around, send word by dropping a note in the red mail box out front or refuel it yourself and Missy will pay you back.

I’ll send out a notice with a list of supplies currently in stock, but beware, it ain’t much. In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an IM or drop a NC.

"Some of us fly and some of us are earthbound and when they catch those of us who fly resting on a rock, they pull off our wings."~~~~Richard Pryor~~

October 19, 2016 at 2:34 pm
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