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Faction Info: Keepers of Arklay

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Profile photo of Tah Crazyboi




( The following is posted for the sake of Transparency. Please do not metagame. Those interested in joining the Keepers should contain Tah Crazyboi to arrange an IC meeting or interview. )


We watch. We protect. We enforce.

The Keepers are the teeth of Arklay, keeping everything in the town orderly and secure. Townsfolk will know you by reputation. They may fear you, but they rely on you to keep them safe, even if they may bend the laws of the town behind closed doors. It is up to you to decide how strongly or sternly you enforce the town laws.

Whether or not you incur fines or let slip the lawbreaker in exchange perhaps for some thing in lieu of cash, or out of the goodness of you heart, but be warned that there are Keepers who strictly adhere to the codes we follow, and your superior officers may not look kindly on any disruptions a Keeper may cause.




O̸ - You should try to obtain dark clothing to blend at night, if possible.
O̸ - Warm clothing should be kept around for cold weather.
O̸ - Sunglasses should be worn to disguise view direction and protect eyes from both light and spray/particles.
O̸ - Gloves should be worn or kept on-person for arrests and sticky situations.
O̸ - Keepers should maintain a plentiful stockpile of ammunition for their designated/chosen firearm.
O̸ - Keepers should remain decently presentable and clean when on active duty.
O̸ - Keepers should have their safety's in the -ON- position, and holstered weapons should be secured with a strap.
O̸ - Keepers should carry a melee weapon capable of cutting cordage and rope at all times. Fixed blade knives preferred.
O̸ - Keepers should obtain zip-ties, cordage, or handcuffs as soon as possible.
O̸ - Keepers assigned a Radio should maintain it's charge and condition, and keep it on whenever possible.


There will come a time when you're required to use your service weapon on a human being. Use of the HUD's combat system is at the discretion of the Keeper and his Target. It should be used as a fall-back if your target is refusing to take hits/godmodding in free-form combat. We're not here to win, but we're not here to be trampled on either. Keep things fair and remember it -is- just a fake story inside of a fake world.

O̸ - Keep your service weapon LOADED and attached.
O̸ - Use of the HUD -DOES- grant the victor a % of the loser's money. The Keepers Officers are not responsible for these lost funds.
O̸ - If a target is defeated and you are safe, disarm and search them with -gloves on- and be careful to check the hair for needles/pins/lockpicks.
O̸ - YOU ARE NOT JUDGE DREDD. Call for backup.


O̸ - When heading to a crime scene, backup should be called for so that some one can watch over you while you poke through the gore.
O̸ -  Upon arrival at the scene, immediate attention should be paid to all nearby citizens. Identities should be recorded and pictures taken if possible. Smart phones still exist, and we've got a few solar chargers in Arklay.

O̸ - Evidence should be collected and cataloged as soon as possible to avoid contamination.
O̸ - Evidence should be stored securely in the safe at the jail.
O̸ - If witness testimony suggests the criminal may still be in the area, or if a direction is indicated in which the Keeper may quickly locate the subject, the backup Keeper should proceed with the search and call for his own backup, while the responding Keeper maintains the crime scene.

O̸ - Your firearm should be drawn while approaching, and raised if the situation is hostile.
O̸ - Use cover during your approach, but make your presence known. Call out "KEEPER! FREEZE!" if needed, or something along those lines.
O̸ - If the suspect's weapon is threating the Keeper or another Citizen, verbal exchange is encouraged to deescalate the situation.
O̸ - If verbal deescalation fails, deadly force is authorized to neutralize a threat to the common welfare of Arklay.
O̸ - The Keeper should expend all necessary ammunition to neutralize a threat completely.
O̸ - If the Keeper should kill the criminal, the corpse should be stabbed in the brain to prevent reanimation in case the person was a carrier.

O̸ - All Case Files should be submitted to Investigations or directly to The Captain.
O̸ - All on-duty killings of living humans will be investigated thoroughly by The Captain.
O̸ - All care should be taken to protect the citizens of Arklay and the town's structure.


1. No Masks within the city limits.  Unless the person has a health concern, verifiable by the AES, no masks should be worn while walking in town.
This is a MINOR crime. [FEE - $50 HUD CASH]

2. No concealed weapons.  All weapons must be visible. This is a MINOR crime. [FEE - $50 HUD CASH]

3.  All new arrivals must have a basic medical check. Newcomers without proper paperwork after 2 days in Arklay are subject to detainment.
This is a MINOR crime. [FEE - $50 HUD CASH]

4.  Vandalism/Destruction of property is a MAJOR crime. [FEE - $500 HUD CASH OR PRICE OF DAMAGES]

5.  Mass disturbance which may alert the Infected is a MAJOR crime. [FEE - $250 HUD CASH]

6.  Thievery is a MAJOR crime. [FEE - $250 HUD CASH OR PRICE OF LOSS]

7.  Rape is a CAPITAL crime.

8.  Murder is a CAPITAL crime.

9. Treason is a CAPITAL crime.

10. Unwarranted Assault is a MAJOR crime. [FEE - $450 HUD CASH]

11. Interfering with a Keeper’s duties in any capacity is a MAJOR crime. [FEE - $250 HUD CASH]


Minor crimes can be charged a HUD $ fine from $100 to $1,000 dollars.  Minor crimes include things like dereliction of duty, vandalism, public disorder, minor assaults. Fines to be paid to the Keepers command.
*Community service may be appointed instead of a cash fine if the criminal is unable to pay.*

Major crimes carry a jail sentence and/or some form of punishment like lashes.

Major crimes include thievery, grievous assault, assisting a fugitive and endangering Arklay*

Capital crimes – the sentence is banishment from town, torture or death.

Capital crimes are murder, rape and treason.

Banishment means if that subject is caught entering town again they will be subject to automatic arrest and further punishment.  Anyone in town caught dealing with them will be “assisting a fugitive”*

*All prisoners can be kept for a duration of up to 48 hours either as, or before punishment*

*Prisoners must be kept in the holding cell in the old Sheriff’s office and visitors are permitted outside the cell windows but kept under watch by one single NPC guard*

*Arklay Keepers must check in on prisoners as part of their regular duties*

*Prisoners left without rp from captors for up to 12 continuous hours may NPC a release after “bribing” the guard.*

*The old Sheriff’s office is not a maximum security jail.  The single NPC armed guard can be overcome by two or more players (other than the prisoner) trying to organize an escape, and he won’t risk his life for a prisoner as he is just a guard, not a Keeper.

If an escape happens, a notecard MUST be sent to Tah.Crazyboi of the rp, or if NPC’d bribery release, a message sent letting Kaliope Karas know*

KoA Rules v1.1
© Tah Crazyboi 2016

March 9, 2016 at 1:08 pm
Profile photo of Tah Crazyboi



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  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Profile photo of Tah Crazyboi tah-crazyboi.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Tah Crazyboi tah-crazyboi.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Tah Crazyboi tah-crazyboi.
March 9, 2016 at 1:19 pm
Profile photo of Kali



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--If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid. - Q

March 9, 2016 at 7:01 pm
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