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Group/Business Information: Coach's Pub

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kali Kali 8 years, 8 months ago.

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Coach's Update

**Coach's is the first stop for many a weary traveler on their arrival to Arklay, and the only place with bona-fide actual real booze. Sure, some of it might has been described as ‘nail-polish remover’. Coach’s doors are open to everyone who needs a place to take a load off and drown their sorrows while someone else handles the Creepers for a change.

1. Our group has grown a bit! Welcome to all new players. If you haven't done so, click on Charlie by the door, he'll give you a NC that tells you a little more of how things are generally run here. In the meantime, everyone should seek out their co-workers and get to know them, help each other out. Groups such as this one are meant to be mini-factions on their own. A family. Seek out fellow employees and bond!

2. MANAGER - If you didn't know, Peaches is our manager. If you need anything and Kali isn't around please do seek her out.

3. POWER - Keep an eye out on the generator - if it's on we have power. Having power means the jukebox, the cooler, and the water pump work. If not, we are back to candles and no cooler no running water. RP accordingly. Any of you can add gas to the generator, Kali will reimburse you.

4. WATER - When the sim started it was established that Coach's had a well. We didn't have power in the beginning to pump the water from the well, so we didn't have running water. There was also a problem about a year ago with contamination but that has since cleared up. In the meantime we'd been using water for cleaning and bathing and to flush the toilet upstairs (fake door), but have recently started boiling it in small batches for drinking. WE DO NOT SELL JUGS OR WATER IN BULK. The bar will sell water bottles only, and limited quantities daily - 3 per person per day (has to be boiled and cooled and bottled). We charge a $1 deposit for each bottle sold ($21), and will reimburse anyone that brings bottles back for reuse.

5. ODD JOBS - Kali will pay people in cash or food for odd jobs or bringing in empty bottles or firewood. It MUST be RP'd. (not handing out commodities or cash for simply saying something) If someone comes around when Kali is not around, please let them know that they can work and come back later for payment, or come back later for RP. If you know of anyone that needs to make money, let them know to come rp bringing in bottles ($10 per bottle with cap or cork, not buying more than 5 at a time.) You can also pay them yourself, notecard the transaction, Kali will reimburse. Firewood, washing glasses, sweeping out the alley or bar - HUD$50. Per person, per chore, no more than twice a week per person.

6. OPEN POSITIONS - We are always looking for people to come bartend, dance, or security. Hoping to have at least 2 people on around the clock (but we know how that goes!)

7. OPEN TO IDEAS FOR EVENTS. Wanna have a dance or a birthday party or a poker game or go on a run. Let us know!

Feel free to IM me with questions or ideas.

<3 Kali

--If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid. - Q

June 23, 2016 at 8:16 pm
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