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HUD Death Reports

Home Forums Feedback & Suggestions HUD Death Reports

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Tim Slater michaell hallison 9 years, 10 months ago.

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michaell hallison


Very Simple... in an effort to expedite the process when there is a HUD glitch, this forum is reserved ONLY for reporting HUD Deaths that are unintentional. If you die after a battle, scavenge, or npc zombie attack and you need your HUD reset, please list the information as well as the situation that caused the death.


Note: Ignoring your vitality meter and simply running your vitality down with no attempts to restore it through healing zones or med pack use is not the purpose for this thread. People have reported glitches where an action suddenly kills their character (using a medpack, scavenging when vitality is in the green, etc.) IF you neglected to restore your vitality and died as a result, you may still request a reset, but PLEASE be honest about it - the database will show your health before death. It saves us a lot of time and trouble if we know it was a legitimate death rather than trying to figure out a glitch and solve a problem that may not exist. Thank you.

"Men only have 2 emotions, hungry and horny. If you see one standing without an erection, make him a sandwich"

February 25, 2015 at 9:49 pm
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