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Intoducing: Roxie Miyoko Smith

Home Forums Introductions Intoducing: Roxie Miyoko Smith

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Roxie Sunkiller roxie-sunkiller 10 years ago.

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Character name: Roxie Miyoko Smith
Age: 22
Place of birth: Arklay Island
Fraction: AES
Occupation: Paramedic

Since Roxie grew up on Arklay and bother her father and mother worked for the Alliance in some sort of capacity, I am looking for people to establish a working story with. It can be friends, relatives (cousins etc), work related (Roxie was a paramedic before the outbreak working in Arklay), or whatever pops into your head!

Please either reply here or message me in-world on Roxie Sunkiller. Thanks!

Roxie's father, Jace Smith, joined the military on his 20th birthday and one of his tours stationed him in Japan where he met Kosuki Takanka, a simple girl finishing her studies in biophysics at the University of Tokyo. They quickly fell in love and even as he was stationed outside of Japan and mother finished her graduate degree, they kept in touch and visited one another as much as they could. Eventually, time let them come together again. After discharge her father was hired by a private firm and sent to Arklay Island to work for The Deimos Alliance. Soon after, her mother applied and with her research in the biophyiscal sciences, she was hired and moved to be closer to Jason. Being closer together, their love now blossomed. After two years, they finally married, a year later and Roxie was born. Her life was nothing extravagant or beyond what most normal American children experience, save for the influence from her mother's Japanese traditions. She did fairly well in school thanks to the influence of her parents' work ethics. She didn't want to join the military and she didn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps either. Instead, she took the middle road. After graduation she moved to attend school to become a paramedic. Being as she grew up in Arklay, after her graduation, she was hired back home as a paramedic. It was there that she met Garin Tanario, a neighbour. A neighbour that eventually became a close friend. It wasn't too long afterwards that the outbreak happened and Roxie's normal life took a turn for the worse. Unsure of what has happened to her father or mother, sure that it was the worst, she now bands together with those she knows, fighting to hold on to what little was left of normalcy.

December 14, 2014 at 6:22 pm
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