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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by shade-manx 10 years, 3 months ago.
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shade-manxsaidbefore the break out: Shade was an Irish lad before her life got turned on its ass. She liked it better now that her cousin was able to change her sex, but she had other desires. She wanted to be a cop, and her family, a bunch of drug running gypsies didnt much care for that. But, she did it anyway. She went to a city in Michigan and with her police certification in hand she started her way up the ranks. She was known as a brutal, yet almost fair cop, sometimes. She was fast on her feet and build like a brick shit house. Her training and time as a bare knuckle fighter back in Ireland and she was damn good at it, and those skills helped her work her way up the ranks.. She was also a drunk. A pretty damn bad drunk too, and she was prone to acts of violence or random sex while she was drinking, no shame in her game, it was the way she was. The city after putting her in charge of the worst part of town started to question her morality and her drinking, so after years of service.. They kicked her ass out of the police force with a pension that was too small. Things started to change after that, she started to hang around with the wrong people, and was brought into a cult. Her need to change the world for the better was slowly washed away, and her need to survive was brought to the front of her mind. The strong will rule and the weak are meat to feed the strong, that was her new motto. It served her well. Scarred drunk and angry, Shade started to do things that she once beat people for. She didnt care, she was comfortable in her lessons that the world sucked and there was nothing she was going to be able to do about it. Her funds drying up, she talked to the city, and lied saying she was sober. They put her back into the PD as a detective, but some dirty dealing with some city leaders put her back on top. Now ruthless in her protection of the police department she was known as a real mean bitch. Her attitude reflected that she was indeed a mean bitch. She stopped drinking outside of beer, and she started to work out to get her frustrations under control. It didnt really work. Soon, she was bigger and meaner than ever. now Shade was on vacation when the outbreak hit the states. She hid herself with a bottle of whiskey in her hotel room, and waited out the starting panic. She was smart enough to know that she needed to stay low. She had to crawl out a window and up to the roof of her cheap ass hotel to stay safe. Eventually, she was able to hit ground level, and start to move. Shade works her way towards someplace that might be safe. Her family is on the move as well, and when Travellers, even in the states want to hide.. You are not going to find them. Shade, looks for her own place to hide, and soon hears about an island that is only a few days walk from where she was taking her vacation.. She tugs her hat on and gathers up the few supplies she can manage, and heads for the island.. Hopefully, the bastards can't swim. |
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