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Jim Bowie (Raveneyes7 resident)

Home Forums Introductions Jim Bowie (Raveneyes7 resident)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of raveneyes7 Resident raveneyes7-resident 9 years, 11 months ago.

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Son of a likeable convict and bitter, bitter bar maid, Jim Bowie was bound to become a hard-drinking, fist-fighting son of a bitch from the last broke down trailer house on the wrong side of town.  That was okay he was alright with that. He tried to be better man than his father and became a carpenter and made some good money and even dreamed of having his own construction company.  He married young his high school sweet heart a lovely girl whose ambitions amounted to junior college and stripping.  Pretty but painful, his wife cheated on him, and when Jim found out, he took a bat to her Charger; she took off with his brother (her new boyfriend), and they took Jim's dog -- his dog damn it! Seemed Jim's life was like a bad country song. How could it get worse? The event -- the outbreak.  Great! Just Great! When the event happened he moved, moved quickly, gather the tools, any weapons, his solar generator. He knew his skills would make him valuable, but things went to hell fast and chaos does not breed security. Jim had tried joining groups but uh they ended up in fights with others over say the control of a grocery store, or did stupid things.  He finally was on his own and ran across a girl Serena.  Desperate to get away from trouble they headed across a long bride to an island.


January 14, 2015 at 9:37 pm
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