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Kerridwynn Willow: Journey to Survive

Home Forums Introductions Kerridwynn Willow: Journey to Survive

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kerridwynn Willow Kerridwynn Willow 9 years, 8 months ago.

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Kerridwynn Willow


Character Bio: Kerridwynn \"Kerri\" Willow | Kerridwynn's story begins just outside her apartment. She and her boyfriend were fighting and in he midst of the anger and screaming, neither seen it coming. With a loud thud a crazed man runs into Lane knocking him off his feet and attacking him. Biting him ripping into his skin. Kerri was shocked. For some reason she just stood there with a look of horror on her face trying to scream but unable to get out any sounds.. At that moment she knew Lane was gone. His eyes reddened and his face twisted and contorted. But he still moved, his moans turned to growls. He began to rise. Suddenly Kerri was frozen in place. She tried with all her might to turn and run *Pop Pop* Her feet loosened. "Move girl run!" She finally turned face to face with a man and his sidearm. She took his advice and ran. She continued running until she just couldn't run anymore. Kerri was alone. At least she had the knowledge she learned as a Farmers daughter and a Honey Scout. She began looking for food and a fresh source of water. Kerri the realized she was going to make much use of all those survival shows and movies Lane used to force her to watch. "Thank you Lane" tears steaming down her face she began her journey to surviving.

April 17, 2015 at 3:56 am
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