This weekend we are launching again. We thank you for the patience you have exercised as features and building was delayed and hope you enjoy the sim as we launch a lot that you have asked for.
The first thing you all should be aware of is that we are still not finished. We still have to set up scavenging, sewers, more healing/resting areas, etc. There will be more furnishing as plots commence and more rentals to come. The HUD has been released in its simplest of versions to test and releases will come rapidly. We are not releasing a guide for the HUD yet since there will be updates made over the the upcoming weeks - we also want to test how intuitive it is. If a feature is not obvious to you all then how it is displayed and the interaction is not good enough for us.
Here is what you need to know regarding this weekend's release:
- The main meter on the HUD is your Vitality, indicated by the following icons. You will never see a number, though the HUD will occasionally inform you when your Vitality is increasing or you should consider resting and healing. Why Vitality versus health? We wanted a stat that could encompass more than just damage received - this allows for just that:

- The HUD is an RP aide and not meant to be considered total law. As you test combat situations keep that in mind and know that it is currently limited in the different possible scenarios. It takes into account your Vitality, experience on sim, and skills you picked PLUS adds in a randomized factor so wins aren't one-sided. It may determine who wins if both want to try and win the fight, but it does not determine how. That is up to you and your RP. Damage is dependent on weapons, experience and a bit of randomness as well.
- Have a questionor scenario you'd like advice on? Please direct questions to Gensa Jameson, Jeremy Briggs, Tony Rhodes.
- Guns are now restricted to the ones earned through role-play and by the Outbreak RPG System. We will have released a limited number of guns to further test with the HUD. We need the community to adhere to the rule that sim provided guns and crossbows are the only ones allowed.
- The hospital is the only area currently rigged for healing/resting and medpacks will not yet be released. We would like to test the algorithms before introducing other variables. This means you ought to be pretty nice to the folks working there!
- Money is allocated at random, with those that are lucky always having a greater chances at starting with more. Those found creating multiple alts and pass themselves money will be banned.
- We want your feedback! Post it/Report it here. This HUD is built for the community and for RP and we're fully expecting some glitches.
- You can not reset your character at this time. There are no NPC zombies to combat at this time. Both are coming very soon!