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Looking for: An evil ex-husband!

Home Forums Introductions Looking for: An evil ex-husband!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Myra Lantash casiopia-twischer 9 years, 11 months ago.

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Enjoy playing a dick of a char? Like to just push buttons, and piss people off? Is your char a dude? Then I’ve got the roll for you!

Myra is recently divorced, and her ex is piiiiiissed! He was not ok with this, and wants to make her pay! Not in the ‘I wanna kill’ you kinda way, but he wants to just make her new life absolutely mis-er-a-bull.. New boyfriend? Chase him away, if you can. She tries to help someone who’s wounded? Point out allllll the ways she’s doing it wrong. (She’s new to nursing and lacks confidence in her skills!) Taunt her. Screw with her mind. Just be an all around, and total asshole. She’s got a brother who may or may not take a few swings at you. If you can take those hits, I’ll love you forever! A military man that’s kinda protecting her right now, miiiight wanna beat your ass into the ground, but who’s to say you can’t take him?!

I think this would be just a funny as hell role, and it’d add some spice and flare to the stories. Not everyone can be all ‘kill! kill! kill! Survive! survive! survive!’ Some people are just too shallow, and selfish, and downright insane! So, if you think this is a role for you, let me know! You can reply here, or grab me in world at Casiopia Twischer. I look forward to meeting you!

January 5, 2015 at 4:16 am
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Looking for: An evil ex-husband!

Home Forums Introductions Looking for: An evil ex-husband!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Myra Lantash casiopia-twischer 10 years ago.

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Profile photo of Myra Lantash



Enjoy playing a dick of a char? Like to just push buttons, and piss people off? Is your char a dude? Then I've got the roll for you!

Myra is recently divorced, and her ex is piiiiiissed! He was not ok with this, and wants to make her pay! Not in the 'I wanna kill' you kinda way, but he wants to just make her new life absolutely mis-er-a-bull.. New boyfriend? Chase him away, if you can. She tries to help someone who's wounded? Point out allllll the ways she's doing it wrong. (She's new to nursing and lacks confidence in her skills!) Taunt her. Screw with her mind. Just be an all around, and total asshole. She's got a brother who may or may not take a few swings at you. If you can take those hits, I'll love you forever! A military man that's kinda protecting her right now, miiiight wanna beat your ass into the ground, but who's to say you can't take him?!

I think this would be just a funny as hell role, and it'd add some spice and flare to the stories. Not everyone can be all 'kill! kill! kill! Survive! survive! survive!' Some people are just too shallow, and selfish, and downright insane! So, if you think this is a role for you, let me know! You can reply here, or grab me in world at Casiopia Twischer. I look forward to meeting you!

December 4, 2014 at 6:52 am
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